The Sacral Chakra

Sanskrit: Swadhisthana

Location: Below the navel

Color: Orange

Element: Water

Aspect: Pleasure

Body part: Reproductive organs, immune system

Asana suggestion: Goddess pose/Utkata Konasana

Mantra suggestion:  “I attract pleasure and abundance.”

Mudra (see below photo): Ushas mudra (For hormonal balance; Women: left thumb on top/ Men: right thumb on top)


First the worst, second the best. Just kidding, no chakra is better than the rest, but the sacral chakra is chakra number two. Here lies the energy wheel associated with pleasure, sexuality, creativity, and relationships. Associated with the element of water, this chakra is known to ebb and flow, move with currents, and adapt to its surroundings.


Imbalance symptoms: Being the chakra of pleasure and creativity it makes sense that when it is blocked you may experience feelings of discomfort or unease in your own body, aversion to spontaneity, or a lack of creative/imaginative thinking. An imbalance here may leave you feeling unsure of your relationships, both with yourself and with others.

Ways to balance it out: The element of the sacral chakra is water. So, things like going for a swim, taking a bath, or anything involving this element can help you tap into and balance this chakra. Additionally, doing movements focused on the hips or waist area (the location of this chakra) can help dislodge any stuck energies. Can’t get to the pool or your yoga mat? Make something. The sacral chakra is associated with creativity so use your imagination and bring something to life. Be it a story, a craft, a meal, anything! Experiment and see where it takes you.

When your sacral chakra is in balance: Feelings of high self-worth and confidence in your sexuality are good indicators of a balanced sacral chakra. You may also feel as though you are bursting with ingenuity and have the urge to create. Being the chakra associated with water, a balanced and unblocked sacral chakra can result in feelings of fluidity, adaptability, and versatility.


The Root Chakra